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The Strongest Dull Prince's Secret Battle for the Throne: The SS Rank Prince Who Pretends to Be Incompetent Dominates the Throne Succession Battle from the Shadows
The Insipid Prince's Furtive Grab for the Throne / Saikyou Degarashi Ouji no An'yaku Teii Arasoi ~Munou wo Enjiru SS Rank Ouji wa Koui Keishou-sen wo Kage kara Shihai Suru~ / 最強出涸らし皇子の暗躍帝位争い~帝位に興味ないですが、死ぬのは嫌なので弟を皇帝にしようと思います~ / 最強出涸皇子的暗躍帝位爭奪~雖然對帝位沒興趣,但我不想死所以讓我弟當皇帝吧~
Tanba / AMAGAI Yukino