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I'm falling more and more for Nasar the more I see him tbh...... also philomel baby girl people love you please go home, I know you're scared but please trust them
I want her to keep running away cause i still dont forgive the emperor for that shit he said when she was a kid
When she fell on him in the carrage... my soul wanted to leave my body with how hard I cringed. Of all the overused tropes that these stories use, it's the 'Falling and being caught by my love' trope that I can't STAND.

I still love these stories, but holy fuck it gets annoying to see the same damn scene in EVERY one 😒 Even the BL's have it 😭
I love how they portray Phil.  She pointed out that they did not follow the law, did not forgive them then deemed them not worth her time.  She is still so terrified of going back and Nasar cannot understand why.
It's weird to think how she was "originally " raised, and that led to her death because the people that were put in charge of her suck. Now in this life it's "changed" but the people somehow still suck.
I feel like she needs time away from the empire regardless of whether her life is actually at risk when she returns or not 🫤
Homegirl needs space and the time to sort out what she actually wants to do in life.
I will never understand characters lying to help cover up the evil deeds of another, especially if it is done to them. What’s the utility in not telling Nasar “___ stole the ring the emperor gave me, and then slapped me across the face”?
Or for that matter, covering up the rather ominous comments from the fellow prisoners? Sounded like all they needed was an opportunity and they would have SA’ed her.
If she didn’t want to tell anyone about any of the above for her own sake, she should have done so for the other hapless past and present victims of those other prisoners and of that young lady of nobility. Given the way they all acted, there is no way that this was the first time any of them abused other, less powerful people.
Nasar has become my favourite character, I love yanderes, I love his design, if he's not the actual ML I'll riot!
Hmmmmm…. Could they all be under some sort of spell? Is it Ellenesia that did it? Also… why lie about getting slapped? Just be like “yeah some red haired bitch back handed me and stole my ring”
Nasar truly loves her now and Mc need to know that his father is missing her 😭😭